And I went all in! I followed the meal plan, drank shakeology and did the workouts for 21 days straight! I was most worried about the fact that I couldn't have my coffee creamer and any white sugar. Those of you that know me, know I am a sugarholic. But after just 21 short days I don't even crave it! Shakeology curbs all my sugar cravings and my coffee is just as delicious with coconut milk or almond milk and honey. My family is loving the healthier way of eating and I feel better about what's going into all of our bodies.
And the workouts, I am slightly obsessed! They are my 30 minutes of me time everyday. I wake up and get them done before the kids get up and then we all start our day off on the right foot. I go to bed looking forward to my workout the next day. I am even learning to love the burn because it means my body is toning!
I am beyond excited to continue my healthy lifestyle and would love to have you join me! If you're interested email me,
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